Monday, December 13, 2010

Here is the skull that I drew last week Thursday.  The proportions are off and it looks a little skewed to me, like it smashed face first into something hard. Aside from funny face's funny lookin' face, I was pretty satisfied with the line work that I put into it, especially on the jaw area. I think it's some of the best line work that I have done all semester. Ick, the more I look at it the less I like it. The eye on the right side appears to be too large. It looks a bit apish too. That's what Beau said anyway. I'm not sure I like the rubber band around it's head, I thought it would be a good opportunity to add some contour to the cranium but I was having some trouble getting it to look right because of proportion issues in the face.

Other things we from last week were the hand drawings along with the last bit of muscle building.  The hands didn't go so well as I found myself distracted throughout most of the class period. Most of my work from Tuesday consists of doodles around the one hand that I worked on.

The last bit of muscle building went well, at least until I noticed that the butt muscles were missing. Darn it. I should have taken a picture of the completed (-butt) manikin. Maybe I will later.  As a whole I think it looks pretty good, I especially like the upper arm and lower leg portions.


  1. Nice skull. I like how he looks like hes wearing a headband. you have some really string cross contours in this drawing, and good proportions too. your line quality is very nice too, keeping it dark and light where it needs to be. keep up the good work!

  2. I agree, I think your contour lines are great! I also had trouble getting the size overall correct. I think the proportions on your scull are actually really good! Good luck on the rest of your maniken.
